Brand Design

Logo, business card and roll-up banner design.


I was tasked with conducting a comprehensive redesign for an accounting agency's brand identity. The project's main objective was to create a more suitable and emotive logo that would represent the company's values and identity accurately. Through collaborative efforts with the client, we successfully developed a design that was not only visually appealing but also aligned with the client's objectives.

I strongly believe that effective communication is key to understanding my clients' needs and delivering quality results. Therefore, I ensured to maintain open communication throughout the entire project, which helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the client's brand and overall vision.

In addition to the logo redesign, I was responsible for designing a new business card that accurately represented the newly established brand image while including all the necessary information. The design was promptly delivered, and upon the first meeting, it was accepted by the client with great enthusiasm.

Lastly, I was tasked with designing a roll-up banner to be used at events and in the office. After gathering the necessary information, I got to work and created a banner that perfectly aligned with the brand's visual identity. By ensuring that the colors, shapes, and fonts were consistent across all promotional materials, I was able to create a cohesive brand image that effectively communicated the client's message.

As a portfolio piece, this project showcases my ability to deliver quality branding designs by employing effective communication skills with clients. My goal is always to fully understand my clients' needs and exceed their expectations, resulting in maximum client satisfaction.


  • Sarajevo
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
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